Business Card Sizes
August 7th, 2009 Tags: Business CardsPosted in Tutorials | 0 Comments | RSS this post | Trackback

Are you a bit confused with the terms gsm, dimensions, bleed, cmyk and spot, process or laser? We understand! Part 1 of our graphic design guide details best practises to use when creating your own business cards.
At Mooty Graphic Design we more often than not design your business cards to Australian standards.
Australian business card sizes are:
- 90 x 55mm or;
- 86 x 54mm
While these are Australian standards and printable at almost all reputable printing companies, feel free to explore different business card sizes. Just keep in mind with width of 90mm is as wide as you’ll want to make your card if you’d like it to fit in a normal credit card sized wallet.
Many designers (including Mooty Graphic Design) experiment with the vertical height of the card, which often results in something just a little bit different from your competitors.
Don’t forget Bleed!
Bleed is critical for your business card. This is the amount that will be cut off by your printer when they put your cards through their process. This is to ensure your design is printed completely to the edge of the card. Most printers require:
- 3mm bleed around every side (increasing your card size by 6mm height, and 6mm width)
Therefore if you are creating a business card that is 90 x 55mm you will need to create it at 96mm x 61mm. Make sure there is no important information in the 6mm bleed area or it will be cut off.
Can Mooty Graphic Design create business cards?
Sure Can! And we really enjoy it too. Why not take a look at our business cards.
Further Reading
We highly recommend you read the following resources if you are planning on creating your own business cards:
- Wiki information for Business Cards -> Business Cards Wiki
- Business Cards don’t have to be boring -> Cool Business Cards
- Take a look at our portfolio -> Mooty Graphic Design Portfolio